Dr. Bora Ok | Estetik, Plastik, Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi

Body Lift


What is a body lift?

A body lift is an extensive cosmetic surgery aiming to improve the shape and appearance of the lower body. This procedure can address issues such as sagging skin and excess fat in the abdomen, hips, and thighs. It is typically performed after significant weight loss or pregnancy.
Depending on the patient’s needs, procedures such as tummy tuck, butt lift, arm lift, and thigh lift can be combined for comprehensive contouring, or several separate operations can be performed. In addition to removing excess skin in the targeted areas, liposuction can also be done if there is any excess fat.


Post-weight loss plastic surgery

Post-weight loss plastic surgery refers to a group of procedures performed after a patient has lost a significant amount of weight due to obesity surgery or bariatric surgery. While bariatric surgery makes it possible to lose weight and tremendously improves the patient's physical, mental, and emotional well-being, sagging skin poses another important problem that needs to be addressed.

These procedures are designed to address the sagging skin and excess fat that can be left behind after weight loss. The amount of sagging varies according to the patient's age, genetic features, and amount of weight loss. The most common procedures include body lifts, tummy tucks, breast implants, and breast lifts. These procedures help patients achieve a more toned and proportionate body shape and improve their self-confidence.

Mommy makeover (Post-pregnancy plastic surgery)

A mommy makeover refers to a group of cosmetic surgery procedures designed to eliminate the negative effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding and help women regain their pre-pregnancy body shape.

The most common procedures in a mommy makeover are tummy tuck, breast lift, and liposuction. Vaginal deformations and sagging arms and legs can also be addressed in a mommy makeover.

These procedures address the bodily changes that occur during pregnancy, such as stretched skin and sagging breasts.


360 body lift

A 360-degree body lift is a comprehensive body contouring procedure that addresses issues in multiple areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and back. This procedure is more extensive than a traditional body lift and aims to improve the overall shape and appearance of the body. It is typically performed after significant weight loss or pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions

How long does a body lift take?

A body lift typically takes between three to seven hours to complete, depending on the specific technique and the extent of the procedure.   

Who is a good candidate for a body lift?
When can you get a mommy makeover?

1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

What is a tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery aiming to improve the appearance of the abdomen. This procedure often addresses issues such as loose or sagging skin, excess fat, and stretch marks. A tummy tuck can also help to tighten the abdominal muscles and create a more toned and youthful appearance.

It is possible to restore the abdominal muscles, change the shape and size of the belly button, and enhance the waist curve during a tummy tuck. Diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles) can also be treated during abdominoplasty.


How is a tummy tuck done?

The procedure involves a horizontal incision in the lower abdomen between the pubic area and the belly button.

Abdominal tissue is freed to expose the abdominal muscles. Through the incision, the surgeon will remove excess skin and fat and, in some cases, may also reposition the underlying tissue to create a more toned appearance. The abdominal muscles are also repaired during the process. Waist lift and liposuction may be performed as part of a tummy tuck for better definition in the waist area.

A tummy tuck usually has a single incision in the lower abdomen. The length and direction of this incision vary in each patient according to the degree and shape of the abdominal sagging. The body's shape and the location of the belly button also play an important role in the incision. Taking all these into consideration, the height and length of the incision are determined so that it can be sutured up in the least visible way and the patient can be comfortable and self-confident in their social life.

In rare cases where the belly is located higher on the torso, this incision can be made higher than the bikini level, in a vertical line towards the navel. Meticulous surgical planning and suturing technique reduce these scars considerably over time.


Mini tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck, also known as a partial abdominoplasty, is a less invasive version of a tummy tuck, and the recovery time is shorter than a full tummy tuck. It is typically recommended for patients with smaller amounts of excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen. The location of the belly button does not change in a mini tummy tuck.

While the procedure usually involves a shorter incision than a full tummy tuck, it is not necessarily a short-scar tummy tuck because the length of the incision done in the bikini line depends on how much excess skin there is.

A mini tummy tuck can either only target sagging skin in the area or be combined with liposuction to remove excess fat. Abdominal muscles can be strengthened during the procedure as well.


Full tummy tuck

A full tummy tuck, also known as a complete abdominoplasty, is a more extensive version of a tummy tuck. It is typically recommended for patients with a larger amount of excess skin and fat in the lower and upper abdomen resulting from massive weight loss.

The procedure involves a longer incision that extends from hip to hip. The surgeon will remove excess skin and fat, creating a firm and aesthetically pleasing look. The surgeon will also repair the muscles in the abdomen, fix the deformities caused by the weakening of abdominal muscles during pregnancy and reposition the belly button. Incisions are closed with a cosmetic suture and positioned under the bikini line. Drains are placed to reduce fluid build-up.

Frequently asked questions

Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is an excellent option for individuals in good overall health who have a stable weight and a BMI below 30, with loose or sagging skin due to loss of elasticity, significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging. Being close to your ideal weight is essential for patient satisfaction and a smooth recovery.

It is essential to have realistic expectations for the procedure and understand that plastic surgeries, including liposuction and tummy tuck, are not weight loss solutions. The primary purpose of these procedures is to contour the body and create a more proportional appearance.

Patients who have had bariatric surgery or gave birth and have excess fat and skin that they cannot get rid of with diet and exercise benefit greatly from abdominoplasty. 

Abdominoplasty is commonly performed as part of mommy makeover procedures.

How long does a tummy tuck take?
Does tummy tuck leave scarring?
How can I prepare for a tummy tuck?
What is the healing process like after a tummy tuck?
How frequent are post-op controls?
When can I start exercising after a tummy tuck?
Can I swim after a tummy tuck?
How long will I need to wear a compression garment?
Can I gain weight after a tummy tuck?
How long does a tummy tuck last?
Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
Can I have a C-section and tummy tuck at the same time?
What is the cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey?

2. Thigh lift

What is a thigh lift?

A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure can address sagging skin and other issues caused by weight loss, aging, or genetics.

Thigh lifts and arm lifts are commonly performed as part of mommy makeovers or post-weight loss plastic surgeries. They can be combined with procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, butt lift, facelift, and neck lift for full body contouring.


How is a thigh lift done?

The procedure involves an incision from the inner thigh to the knee. The surgeon will remove excess skin and fat through this incision and may also reposition the underlying tissue to create a more toned appearance. The length of the incision depends on the amount of excess skin. If necessary, inner and outer thigh lifting can be done in a single procedure. If there is excess fat in addition to excess skin, liposuction can also be performed to remove it.

Frequently asked questions

How long does a thigh lift take?

A thigh lift typically takes between two to three hours to complete, depending on the specific technique and the extent of the procedure.

Who is a good candidate for a thigh lift?
How should I prepare for a thigh lift?
What is the healing process like following a thigh lift?
Does a thigh lift leave a scar?
Does a thigh lift restrict mobility?

3. Arm Lift

What is an arm lift?

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgery for improving the shape and appearance of the upper arms. This procedure can address sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms caused by extreme weight loss, aging, or genetics.

Drooping underarm skin is a factor that takes its toll on one's self-confidence and makes it difficult to pick clothes. Depending on the patient's fat and skin structure, arms may be slimmed by only removing fat or by removing excess skin as well.


How is an arm lift done?

The procedure involves an incision on the inside of the upper arm, usually extending from the armpit to the elbow. Through this incision, the surgeon will remove excess fat and skin and, in some cases, may also reposition the underlying tissue to create a more toned appearance.

The length of the incisions depends on how much skin will be removed. Liposuction may be used to remove excess fat.

Frequently asked questions

How long does an arm lift take?

An arm lift typically takes between one to three hours to complete, depending on the specific technique and the extent of the procedure.

Who is a good candidate for an arm lift?
How is the healing process following an arm lift?
Can an arm lift be combined with other procedures?
Does an arm lift leave a scar?
Is an arm lift permanent?

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